IQIP supplies high-quality equipment, advice, knowledge, and services for foundation installation in the offshore wind, oil, gas, and civil markets worldwide. The use of data to optimize pile driving is increasingly important. Acato was called in to create a platform that makes the data transparent and usable for IQIP and its customers.
IQIP's foundation equipment generates a lot of valuable data for IQIP and the customer. Data that has the potential to further optimize the customer's operation and reduce the costs of piling. IQIP sees the use of data as an essential addition to the equipment and services, but also as a new opportunity to build a lead or create new revenue models. These are important steps in the digitalization of the sector in which IQIP wants to be a forerunner.
But how do you ensure that your customers have access to the data generated by equipment all over the world? And how do you package that into a service that delivers direct value and can be sold to the end customer? The answer: the MIQIP data service platform.

UX Annet Van Vulpen
UI Lisa Siggen
Style Guide Lisa Siggen
Typeface Lato, ITC Avant Garde Gothic
Tools Sketch, After Effects
Music Ghostrifter Official - Sundown Drive
© Acato and IHC IQIP
UX Annet Van Vulpen
UI Lisa Siggen
Style Guide Lisa Siggen
Typeface Lato, ITC Avant Garde Gothic
Tools Sketch, After Effects
Music Ghostrifter Official - Sundown Drive
© Acato and IHC IQIP